Technology Use in K-12: What Does it Mean for College?
When it comes to technology in schools, many Gen-Z students have become accustomed to educational technology from a very young age. Especially in this time of the novel coronavirus, students in K-12 have been forced to become accustomed to virtual learning initiatives. So, how will this impact K-12 students as they move into the future of higher education? Here, the educational technology professionals at SchoolMart discuss how technology use in K-12 classrooms shapes the preferences and adaptability of students as they move into college learning.
Collaborative Learning in K-12 Helps Bridge the Gap in Higher Education
Technology in the classroom has a variety of benefits for students, including additional opportunities for collaborative learning. As many schools remain online for the current fall semester, teachers, students and faculty have been required to pivot their strategy to provide a space for students to learn in a comfortable, collaborative and innovative way. By instructors utilizing technology and various applications that promote innovative learning, students are more likely to have the upper hand as they move on to college learning. Traditionally, many colleges and universities offer hybrid or fully online courses, and as students become more independent in their academic journey, providing outlets that support multiple learning styles is a huge benefit. By starting early with educational technology that allows students to understand their preferred learning styles, they are more likely to be able to articulate their needs and adjust accordingly as they reach college.
Access to STEM Programs Allows K-12 Students to Expand Educational Opportunities
In addition to providing a solid base for students in college by having access to educational technology in K-12, schools that promote ed-tech and STEM programs expand opportunities for students as they move into higher education. Students, especially in lower income areas in which technology access is not as common, commonly have untapped potential in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, commonly referred to as STEM. As of a few years ago, 13% of the workforce was employed in STEM occupations, and with the rapid growth of technology, this percentage will continue to increase. By providing access and promoting opportunities in these fields, students are gaining the experience, knowledge and skills that will give them the confidence to pursue careers in the STEM field. By starting this process during K-12 schooling, these students will have an understanding of what it takes to pursue a career in the STEM field, and be ahead of the curve by having previous access to tools and relevant ed-tech.
Technology in K-12 Promotes Critical Thinking and Communication
Finally, technology in K-12 goes beyond providing students with STEM initiatives, but allows students to foster a sense of critical thinking and communication in their everyday lives. Collaborative work and advanced ed-tech programs are commonly performed in groups. However, not all students learn and communicate the same. Providing a space through technology can help younger students with problem solving and critical thinking skills, and requires them to communicate with others in an effective manner to come to a solution. As they reach college, this is a fantastic benefit for students as they continue to move through their academic careers, and begin networking. These students will be coming from an educational background in which they have the knowledge to understand various viewpoints and communicate with future peers and co-workers to strategize and strengthen their solutions.
Learn More about Ed-Tech in K-12 School Systems with the Professionals at SchoolMart
At SchoolMart, it is our top priority to provide resources and products for K-12 students to make the most of their learning. During this time, thousands of students are reliant on technology for their education, and it is our job to make the transition process as seamless as possible. We understand that ed-tech has extensive benefits for K-12 students, providing them with a base of knowledge and skills to keep them ahead of the curve in college and the modern workforce, To learn more about SchoolMart and the benefits of educational technology, contact the team at SchoolMart today.