Why Parents Should Know How To Use Virtual Learning Platforms

Ever since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic last year, virtual learning has become the new-normal for schools around the world. Virtual learning for students ranges from live collaborative classes, to interactive simulations, to pre-assigned online homework assignments. Virtual learning can present many challenges for students, especially younger learners who may not be as experienced with technology quite yet or have much shorter attention spans. Here, the educational technology professionals at SchoolMart discuss whether or not parents should learn about their child’s virtual learning platforms and how they could improve their overall learning experience.

What Exactly is a Virtual Learning Platform?

Virtual or online learning platforms consist of a variety of elements and activities to emulate the traditional, in-person educational experience that children are accustomed to. They include interactive virtual programs and services which allow teachers to present information, tools, and resources while granting students the ability to learn and collaborate with their peers. As the pandemic continues, virtual learning has become the new norm, with teachers and instructors learning more about how to enhance this experience every day. Not only do these platforms require a reliable internet connection and an electronic device to participate, but they can also pose problems for students with learning disabilities and difficulties such as ADHD and dyslexia. 

Why Learning How To Use a Virtual Learning Platform as a Parent is Important

Many parents value involvement in their child’s education, so learning the ins-and-outs of these virtual learning platforms will be of great benefit. Whether it is helping with their homework, assisting in project research, or simply keeping them engaged in their live class sessions, familiarizing yourself with your child’s online learning platforms will make these less difficult for you. Additionally, since many online learning platforms allow students to work at their own pace, having your own log-in or a tutorial of the platform will grant you access to monitor your child’s progress and help them avoid procrastination. 

How You Can Improve Your Child’s Virtual Learning Experience

Virtual learning is an experience that is still relatively new, for students and parents alike, which could lead to high stress and confusion in your household. In order to help and alleviate this stress, there are several things you, as a parent, can do to help make the at-home learning environment better for both you and your child. Set up an area in your home completely dedicated to your child and their online schooling. Ensure that this space is clutter-free, with plenty of space and light to keep them concentrated and engaged. Create a schedule for all of their work, including live class-times and homework assignments, while trying to stick with times that your child is the best at retaining information and staying focused. Doing all of these things can help make your child’s virtual learning experience more enjoyable and productive. 

Learn How the Ed-Tech Professionals at TechMart Can Assist You

With virtual learning already becoming the new-norm of education around the nation, it is arguably not going anywhere anytime soon. If you are a parent who aims to stay involved with your child’s education, learning how to navigate their virtual learning platforms will be of great help to you and your child. To learn more about the benefits of virtual learning as well as how learning to use these platforms can enhance your child’s online learning experience, contact us today