How the Future of Online Learning Needs to Improve Post Pandemic
The COVID pandemic has taught us many things, most especially how to adjust to a virtual world. Online learning has been the norm for students around the world for the majority of the past year, and teachers have adjusted to ways of teaching that will change the future of educational practices. Online teaching has allowed educators to cater to each student individually and focus more on the specific needs of each individual student. With that, however, along with new technology and the need to find ways to keep students engaged, online learning has provided teachers with drastically heavier workloads. Here, the team of ed-tech professionals from SchoolMart discusses the problems that online learning can present for teachers as well as how it needs to improve post-pandemic.
Problems that Have Arisen from Online Teaching
Online teaching has caused a dramatic increase in the workload of teachers over the past year. Not only do they still have to plan out and prepare for the day, but they may also have to learn how to navigate the technology platforms, develop new activities to keep students engaged and social, as well as track down and reach out to any students who have not been attending virtual classes or missing assignments. The time and energy that teachers now spend before and after the school day has greatly increased, with many instructors devoting their own expenses to create the best virtual learning classroom experience possible for their students.
Possible Solutions to the Burden that Online Learning Can Bring Teachers
With there being no true end in sight for virtual instruction, since some students actually benefit from this model of learning, there are several possible solutions that educators can benefit from utilizing to make their online teaching experience more doable and enjoyable. Each state’s education department should examine the curriculums for grade levels and courses in order to determine what programs would benefit from online learning and those that would not. Specific schools should learn which instructors feel more comfortable teaching in a conventional classroom as well as those who prefer the virtual classroom model. This would not only provide teachers with the resources and means to teach in the environment that they find most comfortable but would also allow for students to have the best classroom experience possible from having a dedicated and prepared teacher. Additionally, schools that do establish online learning programs should appoint autonomous leaders that can take the time to research and implement expertise and resources to give both teachers and students in the virtual classroom the best online learning experience possible.
Learn more from the Ed-Tech Professionals from SchoolMart
Even though schools around the country are beginning to resume in-person instruction, some students seemed to have benefited from the virtual classroom model. This means that educators should not only be able to provide an adequate experience in the conventional classroom, but through the online environment as well. To learn more about how teachers can work to improve the online learning model for both themselves and their students visit our blog.