Funding Opportunities for Your Tech-Savvy Classroom

Elementary school classroom with colorful blue, purple and pink desk designs.

Technology can go a long way to encouraging student learning, creativity, and information retention. As such, education through technology has become a standard in the American education system, consequently accounting for a large portion of annual budgets. Grants and funding are available in all fifty states, but seeking out these opportunities can be time-consuming and…

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Using Vocalization to Solve Complex Math Problems

Two students working on a math or engineering problem using hands-on activities.

Mathematics can be a difficult subject to master, and for those to whom math does not come naturally, it can be frustrating to try and solve complex problems. By utilizing tools such as vocalization and visualization of math problems, students can work through their equations in non-traditional and innovative ways. Here, the education technology advisors…

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The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Teaching in Math

Elementary school boy doing a math worksheet at his desk.

  Mathematical concepts can be difficult to comprehend, especially for children of a young age. That is why, it is so important for young children to work collaboratively and exchange information to help facilitate learning. Kids teaching other kids math is a fantastic way to spearhead their education, all while establishing connection with their peers.…

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Should Calculators Be Used in K-12 Math Education?

Calculator on a yellow background.

SchoolMart examines both sides of the ever-present classroom debate: Should calculators be used in the teaching of basic mathematical concepts?  When it comes to the use of calculators in the classroom, there has been a continued debate over the benefits that calculators bring to innovative learning, and why students should use them. Here, the educational…

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